
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月23日 13:23   沪江英语
《去日留痕(The Remains of the Day )》
《去日留痕(The Remains of the Day )》

  石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro )著

  An aging butler named Stevens, who has performed his job to perfection for more than three decades, reflects on his life. But underneath his controlled exterior lurks a passionate and romantic soul that has been quashed during his years of unblemished service. In the twilight of his life, Stevens learns what love is all about. A fine literary novel。


《安娜·卡列尼娜(Anna Karenina )》
《安娜·卡列尼娜(Anna Karenina )》

  托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy )著

  Trapped in a loveless marriage, Anna Karenina succumbs to temptation and embarks on a dangerous affair with the handsome Vronsky. Tragedy unfolds amid the canvas of 19th-century Russia, in the most famous of doomed love stories. A memorable and enduring classic。



  戴安娜·加瓦尔东(Diana Gabaldon )著

  A powerhouse time-travel romance, this is the first in Gabaldon's hugely successful series. Strong, beautiful Claire Randall leads a double life, married to a man in one century, with a lover in another century. Filled with humor, passion, wit and wonderful Scottish scenery, this is one fast read for a 600-plus page book. Enjoy the wallow!


《星语指路(Follow the Stars Home)》
《星语指路(Follow the Stars Home)》

  卢安妮·莱思(Luanne Rice)著

  If you choose the wrong love, can you save your life from ruin? Years ago, thirtysomething Dianne married the wrong man -- the sexy lobster fisherman -- and not his kindly pediatrician brother. Years later, after tragedy strikes, can she reverse her bad fortune? Grab your tissues and find out in this touching weeper。


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