皮特朱莉传婚讯 被爆为子女逼婚(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月26日 11:43   中国日报网-英语点津
皮特朱莉传婚讯 被爆为子女逼婚
皮特朱莉传婚讯 被爆为子女逼婚

  Hollywood supercouple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are reported to be planning to get married, after months of speculation about the future of their relationship。

  The impending nuptials, which come after the pair have lived together for five years, were prompted by their children, who demanded that their parents marry, according to the American OK! magazine。

  "First it was Maddox, who has begged his parents to tie the knot for years. Lately, Shiloh and Zahara have been chiming in, and Pax thinks it would just be the coolest thing ever to be a ring bearer," a source told the magazine。

  "Usually people fall in love and everything revolves around the ritual of marriage, children are an afterthought. We did everything backwards" Jolie reportedly said。

  The wedding would be Jolie's third and Pitt's second. Jolie has been married to actors Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton. Pitt was married to actress Jennifer Aniston for five years。

  The pair have three adopted children, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, as well as three biological children, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne。

  News of the wedding comes months after it was erroneously reported in the media that the couple were separating。

  The stars met on the set of Mr and Mrs Smith in 2005, while Pitt was still married。

  In October 2006 the actor said that the couple would only marry when everyone in America was legally allowed to。

  好莱坞“超级情侣”布拉德•皮特和安吉丽娜• 朱莉日前传出打算结婚的消息。而此前有关两人未来关系走向的猜测已经持续了数月。










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