意大利公鸡“变性” 生蛋又孵蛋(图)公鸡"变性" 生蛋又孵蛋
Jenny, a rooster in Italy, suddenly became a mother capable of laying eggs and hatching little chickens. Its owner said Jenny's "transsexual" situation happened after a foxes' attack and all the hens were eaten。 From Jenny's looks, it is still a rooster, but the fact that it could lay eggs confused FAO experts, and they are working hard to understand the phenomenon。 As of now, experts believed it is a genetic mutation. When all the hens died in Jenny's living circle, it had to carry the responsibility of continuing its own species。 Later, experts will take Jenny to UN's laboratory for more research and analysis. And they said study on Jenny might help to figure out the puzzle: "Which comes first? The chicken or the egg?" 意大利托斯卡纳养鸡场的公鸡詹尼突然自动“变性”成为“妈妈”,不但每天下蛋还会孵蛋。据场主介绍詹尼的“变性”发生于场里所有的母鸡被狐狸偷吃掉之后。 詹尼的外貌还是公鸡的样子,但是它却会生蛋和孵蛋。此事让联合国粮农组织的专家感到不解,正在研究詹尼变性的原因。 目前,专家初步判定,这是“生存基因”作祟。由于当所有的母鸡挂光光,詹尼为了救亡图存保后代,只好自兼皇上和后宫佳丽了。 专家将会把詹尼带到联合国的实验室作详细分析及研究。专家指出,这项研究将有助解释“鸡先还是蛋先”的难题。 网友评论
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