
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月27日 13:14   沪江英语

  The Bamboo House and the Tree Air, alongside the well known statue of Cibeles goddess are the references of Madrid in the Official Spain Stamp for the Expo Shanghai 2010 that has been presented today in Madrid. The Delegate of Urbanism and Housing, Ms Pilar Martínez, attended the event。

  Ms Pilar Martínez highlighted that, since its inception, "stamps have been printed to not only allow communications between communities, but also to show the history of a country, helping to inform about those events that show the intentions of the country to become better."

  The release of the Stamp took place during the celebration of the 42nd National Stamp Fair。

  The stamp also includes images of the Pavilion of Spain and of the two other Spanish cities that will be present at the Exhibition, Barcelona and Bilbao。


  世博网4月24日消息:在近日举行的第42届西班牙国家邮票展上,2010年上海世博会西班牙官方纪念邮票正式发布。竹屋、空气树和著名的西贝雷斯广场女神像都作为西班牙首都马德里的象征出现在邮票中。马德里市政厅城市化和住房处代表皮拉尔·马丁内斯女士(Ms. Pilar Martinez)出席了邮票的发布仪式。




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