球迷疯狂度调查:为球队可牺牲自己(图)大家都知道,粉丝是种疯狂的生物,尤其是足球粉。球迷们为了看到自家球队胜利,都愿意作出什么样的牺牲呢?答案可能会很惊悚。小编很想知道,谁愿意为了中国足球的胜利作出这种牺牲。 球迷能有多疯狂?
What would you sacrifice to see your country win soccer's World Cup? According to a survey that also found fans willing to lose a limb for their team's glory。 球迷能疯狂到什么程度?调查显示,有些球迷表示,如果本国球队能赢得世界杯,自己因此失去一条腿也在所不惜!(当然,如果这样的交换能够成立,他们是真心愿意这样做的。) Fifty-one percent of respondents to the tongue-in-cheek survey of 20,000 people, who live in North America but hail from countries with teams in the June 11-July 11 World Cup, said they would starve themselves for a week if that would bring victory to their national squad。 接受调查的两万名球迷中,有51%的人表示愿意节食一周以换来本国球队的成功。 More than 40 percent offered to give up dating for a year, while seven percent said they would gladly give up their job to see their country win the title。 超过40%的人愿意放弃一年的约会机会,另有7&的球迷表示会心甘情愿舍弃工作。 A further four percent were willing to give away a body part。 还有4%的球迷愿意放弃一部分身体。 It found that a majority of English respondents -- 93 percent -- would give up food for a week to see England win, while some 70 percent of Italians would give up their job for an Italian victory。 93&的英国球迷愿意为胜利饿上一个星期,意大利人则选择放弃工作。 Americans were most willing to sacrifice their homes, while South Koreans were most ready to sacrifice their love life。 美国人倾向于舍弃家庭,韩国人更愿意因此不谈恋爱。 And the people least willing to make a sacrifice? 那么,最不愿意做出牺牲的人是谁呢? The survey found that only 3 percent of Slovakians would give up anything to improve their country's chances of victory。 调查显示,只有3%的斯洛伐克球迷愿为斯洛伐克球队的胜利作出牺牲。 网友评论
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