
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月29日 12:37   中国日报网-英语点津

  在“裸婚族”、“蚁族”、“房奴”、“孩奴”等族群风靡网络之后,2010年,互联网又惊现一个全新族群,“零帕族”。同其他红极一时的网络族群相比, “零帕族”是唯一一个成功冲出都市重压,自在的游走其中而不为其左右的网络族群。也正因如此,“零帕族”成为最受网友尊重的网络族群。

  The term, zero-Pascal clan, was coined by Internet users referring to those people who are always optimistic and enjoy themselves in spite of work and life pressure. The word “Pascal” is the unit of measurement for pressure in physics, zero Pascal means there is no pressure; in this sense, zero-Pascal clan can also be called pressure-free clan。

  “零帕族(zero-Pascal clan)”一词来源于网络,是指面对来自生活及工作中的各种压力、仍能保持积极乐观心态的人群。“帕”(即“帕斯卡”)是物理学中压力的衡量单位,“零帕”就是没有压力的意思,因此,“零帕族”的英文也可以写作pressure-free clan。

  Most people in this clan are 20 to 35-year old white-collar workers and college students. Since it is impossible to live in a pressure-free society, knowing how to deal with pressure and understanding the real meaning of life are what really matters. They work hard, but not eager for a quick success; they are the master of their own life, refusing to be card slave, mortgage slave or car slave; they may advance slower in their career, but they surely have a broader view about life。



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