"Cougar effect" boosts lingerie sales

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月03日 16:52   中国日报网-英语点津
Lingerie is displayed in the new Playboy store in central London September 19, 2007.(Agencies)
Lingerie is displayed in the new Playboy store in central London September 19, 2007.(Agencies)

  Sales of sultry lingerie

  among older women are booming in Britain thanks to the glamorous40-somethings of "Sex and the City 2" and "Cougar Town," retail chainDebenhams reported on Thursday。

  The hit TV show, and forthcoming movie, featuring the bedroom antics

  of women in their 40s and 50s and their much younger partners, is beingcredited with a rise in demand for lingerie from women of the same age,Debenhams said。

  The departmentstore said a nationwide analysis of the most popular lingerie stylesfrom October 2009 to April 2010, revealed that women over 40 have giventhe more seductive side of the lingerie industry a big boost。

  "Positive femalerole models in this age group such as the women in the Sex and the Citymovies and Courteney Cox in TV's Cougar Town are giving the womenconfidence to splash out on themselves," Debenhams head lingerie buyer Annette Warburton said in a statement。

  Women over 40 were rediscovering their figures, often after having children or getting divorced。

  Previously, the store said, the main purchasers of cleavage-enhancing bras, basques, thongs, stockings and suspenders, have been women in their early 20s。

  "With women's 40s being touted as the new 20s, and lingerie designers stepping up to the mark to feed this demand, it's a market we expect to see grow further in the future," Warburton said。

  (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site。)










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