朝鲜邮政部门发行上海世博会纪念邮票(图)![]() 朝鲜邮政部门发行上海世博会纪念邮票
A new stamp has been issued in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to mark the opening of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the official news agency KCNA reported on Tuesday。 据朝鲜中央通讯社4日报道,朝鲜邮政部门最近发行一张有关中国上海世博会的小型张邮票,以纪念上海世博会的召开。 According to the KCNA, the background of the stamp is Pyongyang and Shanghai, with an inscription of "Expo 2010 Shanghai China" in Korean, Chinese and English。 这一小型张邮票的正面以朝鲜首都平壤和中国上海市为背景,并写有朝文、中文和英文的“纪念中国2010年上海世界博览会”字样。 Printed in the center of the stamp are a picture of Pyongyang, the emblem of the exposition and a poster reflecting the ideal of humankind for beautifying towns on the theme of the exposition "Better City, Better Life." 中心位置为繁荣的平壤面貌、上海世博会会徽,以及人类希望把城市建设得更加美好的宣传画,以体现上海世博会的主题“城市,让生活更美好”。 This is the first stamp issued by the DPRK for the Shanghai Expo. The DPRK participates in the world expo for the first time. The theme of the DPRK's exhibition hall is "Pyongyang prospering on the basis of the culture of the River Taedong." 这是朝鲜邮政部门发行的第一张有关上海世博会的纪念邮票,也是朝鲜首次参加世博会。朝鲜馆的主题为“繁荣的平壤--建立在大同江文化基础上”。 网友评论
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