
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月06日 14:16   沪江英语



  Uwe Mitzscherlich wed Cecilia after being told by a vet that she was ill and might not live much longer。

  德国德累斯顿(Dresden),39岁的邮差 Uwe Mitzscherlich 和他相处10年之久的爱猫 Cecilia 结婚了。因为兽医告诉他,他的爱猫即将辞世。

  The blushing ‘bride’ even dressed in white for the biggest day of her nine lives – although an actress had to play the registrar after stunned officials refused to carry out the ceremony。


  "Cecilia has such a trusting character. We constantly smooch and she has slept in my bed from the beginning of our relationship, which is unique,"said 39-year-old Mr Mitzscherlich, from Dresden, Germany.He bought Cecilia ten years ago when she was aged five and claims it was love at first sight。

  Mitzscherlich 10年前买得 Cecilia,那时她5岁,邮差称第一眼就喜欢上了她。“她是个非常值得信赖的伙伴,我们经常亲亲抱抱,每天晚上我们都睡在一起。”邮差补充道。

  Actress Christin-Maria Lohri, who stood in as registrar, said she could see how close the pair were.‘I thought it was a joke at first but quickly came to understand that Mr Mitzscherlich wanted to achieve his heart’s desire,’ the 56-year-old added。

  演员 Christin-Maria Lohri 做接待,她说“起初我以为这只是个玩笑,和他们了解之后我才感受到他们之间的爱是真切的”


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