
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月10日 14:07   环球时报

  The French believe they are the biggest moaners in the world, a poll has revealed --and they appear to be rather proud of it。

  More than 72 percent of those surveyed believe they can out-complain any other nation, compared with 17 percent who thought the Italians held the honour. They regularly turning their anger on bank, shop and restaurant workers. The survey polled more than 1,000 French adults and was commissioned by the insurance company Maaf。

  The principal reason they put forward for all their complaining was: "You have to grumble in life, otherwise you get trampled on." A staggering 25 percent of French people even said that they moaned as "a way of relaxing", with retired people generally seen as the most argumentative。

  The survey suggests the French are continuing a tradition of protest dating back to the French Revolution, with thousands still regularly taking to the streets to make themselves heard. President Nicolas Sarkozy is viewed as a classically irritable French politician to let off frustration at his lack of inches by being rude to others。






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