
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月10日 15:27   环球时报


  Is there no limit as to what a generous supply of alcohol can accomplish? One notable side effect is the creation of selective visual aids known as beer goggles. Beer goggles are fictitious eyeglasses which purportedly cause an inebriated wearer to see members of the opposite sex as more romantically attainable or physically attractive than they actually are。

  大量饮酒会导致的结果大概是无法预计的吧?不过,有一个很明显的附带效果就是创造了 “啤酒眼”这种选择性视觉辅助功能。“啤酒眼”其实是一种像戴了眼镜一样的视觉幻想,据说可以让醉酒的人对原本不太有吸引力的异性产生好感,觉得他们比平时更有魅力。

  When a person becomes drunk enough to find physically unattractive people beautiful, he is said to be wearing beer goggles。



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