日本:女性的文胸竟然可种水稻(图)![]() 日本内衣公司推出可种水稻文胸
A Japanese lingerie company has developed a concept bra that doubles as a rice paddy。 Triumph, makers of other gimmick bras including one that comes with a sushi set and another that comes with solar panels, said it came up with the "rice bra" because of the growing popularity of farming among city dwellers in Japan。 Growing concerns over food safety and the environment, and the ideal of a laid-back rural lifestyle, are attracting more urbanites to agriculture, once the mainstay of Japan's economy. Rice is also the nation's staple food。 “Over the last year, young Japanese women have taken a tremendous interest in agriculture. We wanted other women to experience farming as well," Triumph spokeswoman Yoshiko Masuda said。 "Home kits that allow people to grow their own rice are very popular online. We thought that it would be fun if a bra could give people the same experience," said Ms Masuda。 The bra, made of recyclable plastic, can be tied together to create pots that also double as the cups。 These are then filled with soil, and rice seedlings, that are watered through a hose that also doubles as a belt that goes around the wearer's waist。 The bra also comes with gardening gloves. However, greenfingered Japanese women will not get the chance to grow their own bra rice, as the concept bra is not for sale。 日本一家内衣公司日前推出一款可种植水稻的概念文胸。 黛安芬内衣公司称,他们推出“水稻文胸”是因为日本城市居民越来越热衷农业种植。黛安芬公司此前还推出过带有其它噱头的文胸,如寿司文胸,和带有太阳能电池板的文胸等。 如今人们越来越关心食品安全和环境问题,并且向往闲适自由的田园生活,所以越来越多的都市人开始对农业产生了兴趣。农业曾是日本的主要产业,此外大米也是日本人的主食。 黛安芬的女发言人益田美子说:“去年,日本年轻女性对农业产生了浓厚的兴趣。我们想让其他女性也体验种植的乐趣。” 益田女士说:“让人们可以自己种大米的家庭耕种工具在网上十分流行。所以我们想,如果文胸也能让人们来种大米,那一定很有意思。” 这款文胸用回收塑料制作而成,文胸的两个罩杯合在一起就成了一个花盆。 接下来可在花盆中装入泥土,种上稻秧,并可通过文胸佩戴者的腰带,即一根软管来浇水。 这款文胸还配有一双园艺手套。但精于园艺的日本女性可能暂时还没有机会在自己的文胸里种大米,因为这款概念文胸近期不会上市。 网友评论
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