越来越多的人将世博园视为举办宴席的最佳地点,已经开始有家庭在世博园区的饭店里为宝宝举办满月酒,还有不少人打算在世博园举行婚礼、办寿宴和生日宴等等。 “满月酒”应该是中国的小宝宝们过的第一个隆重盛大的生日,传统风俗中,满月酒上是要吃红鸡蛋的,所以“满月酒”也被称为red egg party。 In Chinese culture, a baby's first month birthday calls for a celebration.Traditionally, the baby's name is also announced at this time. The parents hand out red-dyed eggs, symbolizing happiness and the renewal of life。 在中国,小孩满月时要举办热闹的宴会,一般孩子的名字也在此时宣布。宴会上父母会给客人吃红鸡蛋,象征幸福和生命的延续。 Traditionally, this was also a time to reintroduce the mother to the world. The Chinese believe mothers are in a highly weakened state in the period immediately following birth. Just as English custom calls for new mothers to enjoy a brief period of confinement, Chinese mothers have traditionally been expected to rest indoors for one full month after giving birth。 满月酒也是母亲在生完小孩后第一次与亲戚朋友见面的场合。一般孕妇在生产后身体都会很虚弱,正如英国传统上会要求孕妇生产后闭门不出,在中国,刚生完孩子的母亲是要坐月子的。 这里,“坐月子”我们就可以说成是one-month confinement after child-birth。
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