
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月20日 10:22   环球时报

  It is a conviction that wives and girlfriends have long kept. Men are far more likely to tell lies than women, researchers from UK have revealed。

  The market researcher OnePoll carried out a survey on 3,000 adults. The results found that average men lie 1,092 times every year - roughly three a day. By contrast, women lie 728 times a year - around twice a day。

  And while men lie saying "I didn't drink that much", "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine" and "I don't realize", the most popular female fibs , "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine", "I don't know where it is, I haven't touched it" and "It wasn't that expensive"- hide their true feelings。

  While 82 percent of females questioned said telling a lie ate away at their conscience, only 70 percent of men confessed to pangs of guilt. Men are also less likely to feel guilty about lying. Overall, 75 percent of those polled agreed it was 'OK' to fib to avoid hurting someone's feelings。

  "Lying may seem to be an inherent part of human nature but it's an important part of social interaction," said Katie Maggs , in charge of the study. "The jury is still out as to whether human quirks like lying are hereditary or related to evolution or upbringing."







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