对“代沟”这个词,我们已经相当熟悉了,说的是老一辈和年轻人对很多事物看法的不同。到了数字时代,这种代沟正在被“代圈”所取代,年轻人是所有技术的主角,老一辈人想用电脑还要年轻人来教。 We often hear about the “generation gap” that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things. Now there is a generation lap, the tendency for young people to be increasingly more technically savvy than their parents or elders. This gap exists in the use of technology where the young generation has become the authority, effectively flipping the typical parental and professional hierarchy on its head in many respects。 我们总能听到父母和孩子之间存在“代沟”,音乐、道德准则、时尚以及很多事情上双方看法都不同。如今,又出现一个“代圈”,指年轻人在技术应用方面的能力正逐步超过他们父辈。在年轻人已经成为主导的技术应用领域,这种差距已普遍存在,并且已经在很多方面颠覆了传统的由父辈掌控一切的局面。 They’re not just ahead of their parents in the way they use technology, they’ve lapped their parents and are working at a whole new level. That’s why there is an unbelievable example from Finland where the government has hand-selected 5000 Net Generations to train the country’s teachers how to use computers. The students are the teachers and the teachers will be the students。 在技术应用方面,这一代年轻人不只是超过了父辈,而且是已经远远领先在前,到了一个全新的工作层面。所以芬兰才会有这样让人不可思议的一个举动,政府精心挑选出5000名新生代网络达人,让他们教本国教师使用电脑。学生变身为老师,而老师则变身为学生。
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