
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月21日 11:06   环球时报

  Wildlife studies have put focus to animal homosexuality for quite a long time. A recent research appears to have confirmed that homosexual behaviour in the animal world actually does exist. The conclusion again has caused great controversy in biology。

  According to Telegraph, May 18, a study centered on an albatross colony at the University of Hawaii revealed that one third of albatross 'couples', are consistent of two females. Previously, some biologists had claimed that 'gay' animal behaviour has been spotted in 1,500 different species. For example, about a fifth of captive king penguins are gay。

  Sexuality is not just about making babies, it is also about making the flock work. For some animals, homosexuality is normal flock behaviour. For example, it is common for male black swans to raise cygnets as a couple。

  Professor Paul Harvey, at the University of Oxford, said it is unreasonable and inmature to compare our human concept of homosexuality and its societal effects with irrational animals'。






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