Italian prosecutors discovered that pizzas in the southern city of Naples were being prepared in ovens lit with wood from coffins dug up from the local cemetery。 意大利检方发现该国南部城市那不勒斯的一些黑心披萨饼店,竟使用棺木烧烤食物,而这些棺木都是从当地的公墓挖掘而来。 Naples is well known for its pizzas. According to tradition, Neapolitan pizza dough should be kneaded by hand and cooked in a stone oven with oak-wood fire. But it was reported that the pizzerias were digging coffins and using wood from caskets to keep ovens burning。 报道称,那不勒斯素以披萨饼闻名,为确保制作方法符合传统,当地的披萨饼面团必须手工搓制,并使用橡木火烘烤。如今却曝出黑心店铺从坟场掘出棺材,再用棺木当燃料制饼。 The local media said that investigators in Naples are setting their sights on the thousands of small, lower-end pizzerias and bakeries that dot the city on the same suspicion. Police even speculate a black market for coffins has been set up to supply pizzeria and bakery owners with the more economic way。 意大利当地媒体称,调查人员正密切关注市内数以千计的披萨店和面包店,调查有否牵涉黑心勾当。检方甚至怀疑不法分子已经建起棺木批发黑市,专门到公墓偷挖棺材供应给披萨店。 Naples' graveyard has long been hunting ground for thieves: last year, 5,000 flower pots were stolen from the cemetery。 据称,那不勒斯市的公墓因缺少有效管理,早已成为偷盗者乐园,“去年一年就有5000多个花盆被盗。” According to the report, Neapolitan pizza was invented between 1715 and 1725, one of the few symbols of Naples that endures... is hit by the concrete suspicion that it could be baked with wood from coffins。 据报道,那不勒斯披萨产生于1715-1725年间,一直是这个著名城市的重要标志之一。“现在,这一标志正受到前所未有的怀疑。” 网友评论
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