时代新语:“粉红力”成为90后最欢迎标签几年前,当70后大骂80后是浪费、自私一代的时候,80后标榜自己是“红色一代”。这些年,随着90后逐步成长,社会上对90后自我为中心、缺乏责任感等评价又催生出了“粉红力”。 那么我们来看看“粉红力”是怎么一回事: The term "Pink Power" was born in a fierce online debate among netizens from the post-1970s, post-1980s and post-1990s generations。 “粉红力”这个说法诞生于70后、80后以及90后网民之间的一场激烈论战中。 During the debate, in response to the "Red Generation" which the post-1970s and post-1980s call themselves, the post-1990s generation brought forward the concept of "Pink Power", which means that although the post-1990s generation is still young, they will surely grow up and shoulder their social responsibility, ultimately the "Pink Power" will turn into "Red Power" whereby they will become the backbone of the country。 在这场辩论中,为了回应自称“红色一代”的70后和80后,90后群体提出了“粉红力”这个概念,指出虽然90后尚属年幼青涩,但他们终究会成长起来承担起社会责任,并最终蜕变成为代表社会中坚的“红色力量”。 Once post online, the term won hearts of the post-1990s immediately and was considered as a favorite label for them。 这个说法在网上现身后,便迅速得到90后的认可,并被视为90后一代最欢迎的一个群体标签。 原来,“粉红力”是“红色力量”的前期储备,也就是“小荷才露尖尖角”,确实不可小觑。
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