
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月26日 13:49   环球时报

  Breast-implants packed with explosives could be used by terrorists to blow up an airliner, British Intelligence Service reportedly warned and advertised on its website to recruit a group of "Hurt Lockers"。

  British spy satellites have reportedly intercepted terrorist communications from Pakistan and Yemen chat rooms, talking about women suicide bombers getting explosives put inside breast implants. Experts speculated that the implant operations would be carried out in lawless areas of Pakistan and the lethal explosives called PETN, would be inserted inside plastic shapes during the operation, before the breast is then sewn up. "Women suicide bombers recruited by al-Qaeda are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery," said Joseph Farah, a terrorism expert:

  Explosives experts have reportedly said just five ounces of PETN packed into a breast implant would be enough to blow a "considerable" hole in the side of a jumbo jet, causing it to crash. And the worst thing is it would be virtually impossible for airport security scanners to detect the explosive if hidden inside a breast. One plastic surgeon said: "You would need to subject a suspect to a sophisticated X-ray. Given that the explosive would be inserted in a sealed plastic sachet, and would be a small amount, would make it all the more impossible to spot it with the usual body scanner."

  At present, British Intelligence Service is dedicated to identifying women who have been equipped with 'breast bombs' in order to arrest them before they enter the airport - it is advertising on its Web site, trying to recruit a large number of secret agents to set up a "bomb disposal unit". The recruitment advertisement said these agents must have good interpersonal skills, be able to successfully establish "close relationship" with female terrorists, and complete the task through this "close relationship"。



  据业内人士介绍,即使只在一个乳房内部植入5盎司的PETN,其爆炸后也足以让大型客机机身豁开一个大洞,从而机毁人亡。最让人忧心的是,由于这种 “乳房炸弹”极其隐蔽,机场安检仪器很可能对其束手无策。一位整形外科医生这样解释道:“或许你只能先确定嫌疑人,然后把她放在高级检测仪器前检测。但是一般说来,由于炸药是被封在胶囊内,且剂量很小,普通安检仪器是很难检测出来的。”

  据悉,为了将这些胸前藏有“乳房炸弹”的女恐怖分子从人群中甄别出来并在其进入机场前成功实施抓捕,英国情报部门在其网站上发布广告,旨在招募组建一支特殊的由特工组成“拆弹部队”。招募广告要求应聘人员无论男女,须具备良好的人际交往能力,且能够顺利地同女性恐怖分子建立“密切关系”,并通过二者之间的 “密切关系”来完成拆弹任务。


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