伦敦奥运吉祥物宣传片系“中国制造”(图)![]() 英国公司不满伦敦奥运吉祥物宣传片“中国制造”
As the London 2012 mascots - one-eyed monsters Wenlock and Mandeville - were unveiled in a special animated film made by Crystal, the Chinese firm behind the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, indignant British firms accused Olympic bosses of acting against the spirit of the Games by failing to back UK industries。 The mascots were unveiled on BBC's One Show with the help of the cartoon. Children's writer Michael Morpurgo wrote the story of how they were said to have been created, from the last drops of steel left over after the final girder for the Olympic Stadium in London was put in place。 The campaign to save the UK's animation industry is being backed by Aardman Animations, makers of Wallace and Gromit and Bob the Builder. Critics say British firms could have produced work of a much higher quality but were never offered the chance to compete for the contract。 Lobby group Animation UK claims the industry is being brought to its knees because work is being outsourced abroad due to tax breaks not available in Britain。 A campaign spokesman said: "It transpires that the new Olympic mascots promotion film are not actually being made by the UK but by China, which is not in the spirit of the 2012 Olympics and the year of the Cultural Olympiad." 近日有英国媒体曝料称,2012年伦敦奥运会吉祥物文洛克和曼德维尔的动画宣传片是由北京水晶石数字科技有限公司设计制作的,该公司曾担任过 2008年北京奥运会开幕式的部分动画的制作工作,这一消息在英国引起轩然大波,英国本土动漫公司感到十分气愤,并指责伦敦奥组委对于本土产业扶持不力,违背了奥运精神。 2012年伦敦奥运会吉祥物的动画宣传片已经在英国广播公司的晚间节目《One Show》中播放。儿童作家迈克尔·莫尔普戈为吉祥物的产生编写了这样一个故事:两个小人儿来自于两滴钢水。而这钢水是用来锻造最后一根奥运会场馆钢柱的。 据悉,为了拯救英国的动漫产业,曾制作出著名动画片《超级无敌掌门狗》和《小建筑师巴布》的阿德曼动画公司针对此事发起了一场指责批评运动。英国批评人士表示,英国原本可制作出更高技术的作品,但是本土企业却没有获得这个宝贵的机会。 英国Lobby动画制作公司声称,将动画制作和样品模型制造的机会交给外国公司去做,很大原因是因为在英国享受不到税收减免的政策。 一位该活动发言人则称:“伦敦奥运会吉祥物宣传片竟然不是英国做的,而是中国做的,这有违2012年奥运会的精神,也不符合文化奥运年的宗旨。” 网友评论
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