
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月27日 10:20   沪江英语

  跑酷亦称作“城市疾走”,即Parkour,常简称为PK,诞生于80年代的法国,有“超越障碍训练场”的意思。它把整个城市当作一个大训练场一切围墙、屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象 特别是废弃的房屋这项街头疾走极限运动非常具有观赏性。在《企业战士》片中颇聚人气的跑酷特技,不仅仅是流行的产物,同时也对身体的综合素质提出了很高的要求,是心灵的净化。

  Masters in the Art of Moving and heroes of Luc Besson's films, the Yamakasi(企业战士) amazed Chinese audiences last week while performing at the French Embassy in Beijing。

  Inventors of "the art of moving", popularly known as Parkour, Yamakasi members are modern day acrobats using the city as their playground where they climb walls and jump from building to building with incredible ease. Stairs, railings, benches and rubbish bins all become the asymmetric bars and pommel horses of the urban landscape. Parkour fans in China will have the opportunity to attend shows and participate in training workshops with the visiting masters themselves。

  Because of the technical difficulty and potential risks involved, the Yamakasi founders have created the ADD Academy, a global educational program designed to teach students the key skills and methods of Parkour. Beyond just a physical activity, it embodies a personal journey. Parkour is just as much a philosophy and a way of life as it is a discipline. It passes on strong and positive values such as diligence, courage, and respect for yourself and others。


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