
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月28日 13:47   国际在线


  As more and more consumers recognize the health benefits of cu (vinegar), vinegar bars and cafes offering beverages that combine rice vinegar with ingredients like fruits and vegetables have begun to appear in cities like Tokyo. They are attracting an increasing number of working men and women looking for new ways to beat the summer heat and stay healthy. These shops are competing for customers by developing original concoctions like desserts featuring rice vinegar and vinegar drinks made using oranges and grapefruits。


  The vinegar-drinking trend gained momentum in 2004, when black vinegar became all the rage. Up until that time, the drinking of vinegar was relatively uncommon, but a boom was ignited when Chinese black vinegar, which contains more natural amino acids than the regular kind, began to be touted as both tasty and healthy。



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