
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月28日 15:36   沪江英语


  You have to show that you are giving 110% of yourself all the time. If you are going to show up at work, show up and do it well, don't just do it half way. Put your entire self into it。


  Look your best.Take the extra time necessary to really look your own personal best and everyone has their own, when I say personal best I mean you know what your own personal best is. Strive for that everyday。


  Strive for a very positive attitude. When you walk into a room, people want to be around you. When your boss sees that you show up and you are consistent and you are excited and enthusiastic about what you are doing, they also can't help but notice that the people around you are, I don't want to say turned on, but the people around you feed off your positive energy and then they want to do a better job. It really is sort of a chain reaction。


  I would say that step 1 for impressing your boss is to be enthused about what you are doing and to put your whole self into it everyday。



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