By strapping urinals on a bunch of trees, a Dutch designer has solved one of the most serious problems men face, finding a toilet when you need one。 近日,荷兰一位设计师将男用小便池绑在树干上,“树干公厕”应运而生,男士们在需要的时候随时都可以方便,而他们面临的最严峻的问题之一——“内急”——也因此得以解决。 Sam Van Veluw came up with this interesting concept, one night, at a music concert, while he was desperately looking for a public toilet. As soon as his eyes met a tree, the idea of strapping a waterless urinal onto a tree, simply popped into his head。 据称,某晚,设计师山姆在荷兰某音乐厅近乎“绝望”地搜寻厕所,当视线停留在一棵树上时,一个将无水小便池绑在树干上以解决“内急”的有趣创意便从他脑海里“蹦”了出来。 Named the P-Tree, this outdoor urinal can be hooked up to a central sewer system, or an onsite infiltration system that would dispose of the fluids and nourish the tree with nitrogen, at the same time。 这种“树干公厕”被命名为“小便树”,可以与下水道系统相连,也可以装置过滤系统,既可以排水也可以利用尿液中的氮元素给树木“施肥”。 However, who would be comfortable with public urination? 不过该设计遭到质疑。毕竟,谁愿意在众目睽睽之下宽衣解带、解决内急呢? 网友评论
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