《哈利波特》将完结 哈利赫敏很伤心(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月02日 11:16   沪江英语
拍摄《哈利波特》大结局 哈利赫敏很伤心
拍摄《哈利波特》大结局 哈利赫敏很伤心

  Harry Potter has Hermione's consoling hand on his shoulder - but he can't seem to hide his despair about the blockbuster film series coming to an end。


  Daniel Radcliffe, who plays the wizard, and his co-star Emma Watson admit they are "devastated" that the movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be the last in the saga。


  Ron, played by Rupert Grint, doesn't look too happy either as the cameras roll in countryside near Stevenage, Herts, for the seventh and final episode. Hogwarts fans will be amazed when the magic of make-up fast-forwards the trio into middle age with children of their own。


  But even Harry can't work his magic to conjure up another film for them to appear in。



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