日本申办2022年世界杯 许诺提供3D直播(图)![]() 日本申办2022年世界杯 许诺提供3D直播
Japan has devised a high-tech bid for the 2022 World Cup。 The country, which co-hosted the football tournament with Korea in 2002, hopes to convince Fifa to award it the tournament for a second time with an elaborate high-tech bid。 Japan plans to make use of 200 high definition cameras to film the matches and then transmit them across the world to be shown on giant 3D screens。 The Japanese are even considering ways to project 3D representations of the players onto empty pitches in other countries so that fans can enjoy a virtual football match. To make the experience even more immersive for viewers at the virtual match, microphones will be installed under the pitch at the World Cup to ensure that all the atmosphere is captured。 Football fans will use digital tickets to get into matches and use GPS to find their way around stadiums。 Kohzo Tashima is in charge of the Japanese bid committee and the $6 billion "Universal Fan Fest" 3D project. He hopes to broadcast the matches to nearly 360 million people around 400 stadiums across the globe。 In accordance with the global green trend, Japan also hopes to make use of the energy made by spectators; cheering, stamping and clapping will all be used to partly power the communications system。 近日,日本为申办2022年世界杯大打科技牌。 日本曾与韩国共同举办了2002年的世界杯。为能获得一次独立承办世界杯的机会,日本日前大打科技牌以赢得国际足联的认可。 日本计划使用200个高清摄像头来拍摄比赛画面,并通过3D大屏幕向世界各地的观众直播赛况。 日本甚至考虑采用全息投影技术,将球员的3D形象投影至世界各地的球场中,为球迷呈现一场虚拟比赛。为了让球迷们有一种身临其境的感觉,球场下将安装麦克风,全方位捕捉现场气氛。 此外,日本还计划打造数字门票,安装在门票上的全球卫星定位系统可帮助球迷们找到场馆附近的各种设施。 日本的这一名为“世界球迷盛会”的3D申办计划预计耗资60亿美元。该计划负责人、日本世界杯申办委员会主席田岛幸三表示,他希望届时能为全球约400个体育场的近3.6亿观众提供3D比赛直播。 为迎合全球绿色环保的趋势,日本还希望对观众产生的能量加以利用;观众们的欢呼、跺脚和鼓掌都将被转化为电能,为通讯系统提供部分能量支持。 网友评论
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