
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月03日 14:30   中国日报网-英语点津

  球迷们这两天都已经按捺不住激动的心情了吧?是不是成天都想着要去哪里看球,找同伴一起呐喊助威呢?你可别小看这球迷大军的力量,关键时刻真挺能鼓舞士气的呢。要不英国球迷都管自己叫the 12th man呢。

  The term “twelfth man” is used to refer to the fans of a football team. Each team in football has 11 players on the pitch, but if the fans are particularly loud in their support they can help their team, they can encourage them。


  When this happens the fans are called the twelfth man – they have the effect of an extra player: the game is now 11 vs 12. Many teams refer to their fans as the 12th man, and fans themselves will also carry banners calling themselves the 12th man。



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