It's perhaps inevitable that some of the romance will go out of a relationship as time passes。 And for some couples that spontaneity is replaced by a steady and deepening affection。 But not for as many as we would like to think. In fact, most couples are unhappy in their relationship, say researchers。 More than six out of ten adults in a relationship admit there is a lot they could do to improve their love life - and four out of ten admit they have considered leaving their partner. One in ten no longer even trusts their partner。 A study of 3,000 couples also showed a lack of sex, spontaneity, affection and romance makes it hard to maintain a loving relationship。 In fact, most couples only rate their sex life as being six out of ten - and 25 per cent claim activity in the bedroom is more perfunctory than perfect。 More than half of those polled said their partner was no longer the 'affectionate and giving' person they were when they first started dating。 And for 33 percent acts of spontaneity - such as booking romantic trips away, cooking a favorite meal or bursting in with a bouquet of flowers - are all but dead-and-gone。 'The sad fact of the matter is that when people first start dating, they go to great lengths to appeal to each other by being sexy, romantic and giving,' said David Brown of website UKDating.com。 'But once that honeymoon period is over, it is all too easy to start taking each other for granted. Once couples fall in love and settle down, they fall out of the habit of making an effort.' The survey also revealed 13 per cent of couples no longer want the same things for the future and 19 per cent don't give each other enough time or attention. For 16 per cent a lack of time to talk is a bone of contention, whereas 7 per cent simply don't fancy each other any more。 Half of those questioned believed they were stuck in a rut with their sex life and had no idea how to re-create the passion they once enjoyed。 两个人在一起时间久了,感情不可避免地会趋于平淡。 对于有些情侣而言,最初的那种激情逐渐变成稳定、深厚的感情。 不过这样的情侣并没有我们想象得那么多。研究人员日前称,其实大多数情侣的感情生活并不快乐。 调查显示,在处于恋爱关系的成年人中,超过60%的人承认自己的爱情生活有待改善,四成受访者坦称他们已经考虑离开自己的伴侣。十分之一的人甚至不再信任他们的伴侣。 这项调查有3000对情侣参与,调查结果显示,性生活乏味、主动性差、缺少温情和浪漫是感情难以维持的主要原因。 从实际情况看,多数情侣仅给自己的性生活打6分(满分10分),而25%的人称自己的性生活更多的只是例行公事。 超过一半的受访者说,他们的伴侣不再像约会之初那么“充满柔情和乐于付出”。 而对于33%的受访者而言,恋爱之初的那些浪漫之举都已消失殆尽,如预订浪漫之旅、做爱心大餐或手捧一束花突然出现在你面前等等。 英国交友网站UKDating.com的戴维•布朗说:“可悲的是,当人们刚开始约会时,他们都会努力表现出自己性感、浪漫和乐于付出的一面,以达到吸引对方的目的。” “但这段蜜月期一旦结束,他们就开始不那么上心了。两人一旦坠入爱河、感情稳定下来,就不再努力了。” 此外,调查还表明,13%的情侣不再对未来抱有同样的期望,19%的人没有给彼此足够的时间或关心。16%的人缺乏交流,而7%的人压根就不爱对方了。 一半的受访者认为,他们现在的性生活枯燥乏味,不知道如何才能重燃两人过去的那种激情。 网友评论
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