夏日时尚:教你打造木炭黑眼影妆(组图)Charcoal eyes look,是不是感觉看上去很魅惑很时尚呢?这里有四个简单的步骤,教你怎么在炎炎夏日用木炭黑的眼影,尽情展现眼睛的动人之处。一起来看看吧。 第一步
STEP ONE 第一步 Take a medium-size soft brush and, using a metallic grey, start from the inner eyelid and sweep the shadow across。 用中等大小的眼影刷,选用金属色调的灰色,从靠里面的眼睑开始刷起。 Take a lighter silver and add to the corner of the inner eye。 边缘部分用银色稍稍点染。 第二步
STEP TWO 第二步 Take a darker rich grey and, working from about three-quarters of the way in to the inner eye, sweep the shade outwards, taking it up to the crease of the eyelid。 换深一点的灰色,从距眼角内部四分之三处开始向外刷,直到眉梢。 第三步
STEP THREE 第三步 Take a soft black eyeliner pencil and, working from the inner corner of the eye, draw a line around the eye and underneath to the inner corner, keeping close to the eyelashes。 用黑色眼线笔上眼线。 Make the line thicker as you reach the outer eyelid。 在外部眼角将眼线加粗。 第四步
STEP FOUR 第四步 Keep the rest of the look natural with a sweep of peachy blusher and nude lips。 脸部其他地方不要多加修饰,用点粉色腮红和肉色唇膏就行。 Pile your hair up for a tousled look。 头发乱乱地盘上去。OK,搞定! 网友评论
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