绯闻女孩第四季剧透 Chuck是否归来之谜(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月04日 11:45   沪江英语
GossipGirl第四季剧透 Chuck是否归来之谜
GossipGirl第四季剧透 Chuck是否归来之谜

  Rumors have been circulating the internet about Ed Westwick and the possibility of him leaving Gossip Girl next season. The surprising ending on the finale has likely added fuel to the fire, but, CW quietly put fans at ease when they released major spoilers about next season。

  坊间有传言说在《绯闻女孩》中扮演Chuck的Ed Westwick很有可能下一季不再回归本剧组。本来第三季雷死人的大结局就很火上浇油,然而CW很快就放出了《绯闻女孩》第四季主要剧透让粉丝们安心了下来。

  According to EW.com, the press release about the Fall schedule included a page with info on what's to come next season on Gossip Girl (along with info on other shows like Vampire Diaries and 90210)。


  Season four will open with a radiant Serena and Blair enjoying their grand and romantic summer in Paris…until Chuck mysteriously arrives in town with a new girlfriend and a new identity. Blair swore off Chuck forever but will this changed man woo Blair into having a change of heart, or will Queen B set her sights on ruling Columbia University? And as for that baby…?

  《绯闻女孩》第四季将随着容光焕发的S和B在巴黎的华丽浪漫暑假拉开帷幕,紧接着Chuck带着个新的身份和新的女友神秘驾到。B发誓不再与C有任何干系,可已经大有变化的Chuck能否挽回Blair的心?而Queen B能够叱诧哥伦比亚大学?至于坏女G的腹中婴儿……

  So it appears that Ed Westwick (and Chuck Bass) will be back in action come September. And with her NBC show Mercy being canceled, we're likely to be seeing more of Georgina, played by Michelle Trachtenberg, as well。

  这么看来,Ed Westwick扮演的Chuck Bass是铁定九月归来了。而Georgina扮演者Michelle Trachtenberg在NBC的新剧《仁爱》被砍,貌似她的戏份也会增多不少。


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