
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月05日 17:27   沪江英语
少女偶像Miley Cyrus英国达人秀上演断背吻
少女偶像Miley Cyrus英国达人秀上演断背吻

  Her sexy outfits and newfound rebellious streak has often seen Miley Cyrus being compared to fellow ex-Disney star Britney Spears。

  Miley Cyrus,曾经的少女偶像,如今开始走性感狂野路线,越来越有布兰妮的影子了。

  Appearing on Britain's Got Talent last night, the 17-year-old appeared to be emulating Britney Spears and Madonna's famous kiss when she pretended to lock lips with a female dancer。


  In a bid to step away from her squeaky-clean Hannah Montana image, Cyrus put on a sexy rock display as she sang her new song Can't Be Tamed in a pair of GaGa-esque black knickers, a lacy basque and ripped fishnet tights。

  为了摆脱Hannah Montana里乖乖女的形象,Miley当天穿了一身性感的摇滚装,蕾丝紧身上衣,渔网装搭配一条很有Gaga风格的短裤,唱的是自己的新歌Can't Be Tamed。

  While Cyrus's same-sex kiss on a family, light-entertainment show such as Britain's Got Talent, it was screened after the watershed at 9.30pm。



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