
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月08日 11:58   中国日报网-英语点津




  今年北京的高考作文题是“仰望星空与脚踏实地”,温馨务实。这样的题目翻译成英语会是什么样呢?今天就转摘部分作文题的英语翻译,译文来自 danwei.org上Joel Martinsen的帖子。




  Why chase mice when there are fish to eat? — A cartoon showing one cat chasing a mouse while others eat fish has this as a caption。



  Light Reading — "A: What is light reading? B: It is reading for the purpose of relaxation, interest, and practicality. UNESCO's selection of April 23 for world reading day arose out of a beautiful legend: April 23 is the date that famed Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes died, and it is also St. George's Day, celebrated in Catalonia. The legend goes that the knight George slew a dragon, rescued a princess, and was granted a gift in return: a book, representing knowledge and power. Every year on this day, Catalonian women will give a book to their husband or boyfriend, and the men will give a rose in return. Actually, the same day is the date of Shakespeare's birth and death, and is the birthday of authors such as William Faulkner, Maurice Druon, and Halldó Kiljan Laxness, so it is a fitting and proper choice for world reading day."


  仰望星空与脚踏实地 Looking at the stars with your feet on the ground。



  Danish fishermen — "When Danes go fishing, they carry with them a ruler. When they catch a fish, they will measure it and toss it back if it is not long enough. They say, "Isn't it better to let the little ones grow up?" More than two thousand years ago in our country, Mencius said, "If fine nets do not enter the pools, there will be more fish and turtles than can be eaten." And in fact this principle runs throughout many areas of our lives."


  我生活的世界。世界似画笔下缤纷的色彩,世界如琴弦上跳动的音符;世界因创新而进步,世界缘和谐而温馨;世界可以存在于神奇虚拟的网络,世界更演绎着平凡真实的人生;世界说起来很大,世界其实又很小…… 每个人都有自己的世界,每个人都生活在世界之中。请你结合自己的体验和感悟,以“我生活的世界”为话题,写一篇文章。

  The world I live in — "The world is like a painter's dazzling array of colors, the world is a melody dancing about on an instrument; the world advances through innovation and finds warmth through harmony; the world can exist in a marvelous virtual network, and the world is expressed in the real lives of ordinary people; the world may seem large, but it is really very small….everyone has their own world, but everyone lives in the world. Sum up your experiences and understanding of 'The world I live in.'"


  难题 Tough problems



  Green Life — "Green is vibrant, visually pleasing. Green is intertwined in life and ecology. Today, there is a new concept of green, one that is closely connected to the lives of every person."



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