
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月10日 10:50   沪江英语



  A cross-dressing competitor has triggered a major controversy after participating in Hunan TV's 2010 Happy Boys。


  Liu Zhu, 19, from Sichuan province, who has been nicknamed "pseudo-girl" by his fans, has risen to stardom overnight with his cross-dressing performance in the competition。


  Though Liu's appearance has boosted the program's ratings and popularity, the program had voted him out during the show on Saturday night。


  "I have faced a lot of criticism about the way I look, but all I can do is speak less and do more." Liu said。


  He said he would quit the reality show if he was asked to dress up like a man for the camera。


  He said he had been dressing up in women's clothing since high school, adding that it was his "true identity"。


  "I used to be very confused with my identity, but now all the problems have been solved."


  Happy Boys' Chengdu division spokesman Zhao Zhe said: "Liu does not have any psychological burden about his identity, but like every other competitor, he too is under great pressure to perform."


  Happy Boys is not the only show in the country that has earned the public's wrath for objectionable content。


  Luo Yufeng, an Internet star who shot to fame with her bold remarks, was struck with eggs at a live broadcast of Dragon TV's China Talent Show recently。


  Qinghai TV's talent show Blossoming Flowers is also under fire for staging a young female student named Diao Yang to dress up like a bunny girl。


  The show has also had its contestants walk in a public square wearing bikinis。


  Tony Liu, a music promoter based in Beijing, said, once this issue hits the mainstream, the TV station wins。

  北京本土音乐投资人Tony Liu表示,一旦此事件成为主流大众关注的焦点,电视台便成为最大的赢家。

  “If you look back at similar shows created by Hunan TV, you will see one thing in common: a singer who triggers a nationwide debate during the auditions round. So I’m not that surprised to see transsexuals this time around。”


  “You can never be a real star through a talent show, and you will discover that in the end only the TV station will win。”



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