双语:奥巴马曾在MV中跑龙套?(图)![]() 奥巴马曾在MV中跑龙套?
The music video for vintage hip-hop hit "Whoomp! (There It Is)" features a quick cameo by Barack Obama — or someone who looks a lot like him。 Ever since he announced his intention to run for president, Barack Obama's life has been fodder for conspiracy theorists. But the latest fringe controversy doesn't concern a secret muslim faith or a "suspicious" social security number — rather, eagle-eyed hip-hop fans claim to have spotted a youthful Obama as an extra in the 1993 video for Tag Team's "Whoomp! (There It Is)," a heavily played dance track of the era。 At the 1:01 point of the video, "Obama" can be seen in full gangsta stylings, with a Compton baseball cap, gold jewelry, and an early cellphone pressed to his ear. When the video was shot, Obama was a 32-year-old recent graduate of Harvard Law School, and had just moved to Chicago。 It might be the future president, suggests The Improper. His role as a community organizer "could have exposed him to some hip, happening dudes that might have landed him in a hip-hop video." Sorry, but it's not him, says Adrian Chen at Gawker. Tag Team is from Atlanta, not Chicago. Also, those gold earrings? 近日美国网友疯传总统奥巴马曾于1993年在一首红透半边天的歌曲“Whoomp!”(又称“There It Is”)的MV中临时客串,也有人说那可能只是一个长得和奥巴马比较像的演员而已。 自从奥巴马宣布要竞选总统之后,他便成了阴谋论者们攻击的对象。而这次的公开辩论不再是关于奥巴马是否秘密信奉伊斯兰教,也不是什么“令人怀疑”的社会安全数据,而是——眼尖的街舞爱好者们声称奥巴马年轻时曾在Tag Team乐队1993年演唱的红极一时的歌曲“Whoomp!”的MV中临时客串。 MV播到1分零一秒时,“奥巴马”一副街头帮派小子扮相,头戴黑色棒球帽,带金色耳环和戒指,耳朵上附着个大哥大。网友猜测奥巴马当时只有32岁,刚从哈佛法学院毕业,且刚搬到芝加哥。 有媒体认为那可能就是“真奥巴马”。他一直致力于社区工作,其组织人的身份“可能让他遇到了一些街舞小子,进而被邀请进了这段街舞MV”。但是也有人称那只是个“假奥巴马”,Tag Team拍摄此景是在亚特兰大而非芝加哥。且不管这些,问题是:“奥巴马”耳上的金耳环是真的还是假的? 网友评论
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