双语:世界杯上最性感的五大球星(组图)Footballing hunks across the globe are getting ready to put on the show of their lives – for us ladies at home. So, when it comes to scoring off the pitch, here is our squad of the sexiest World Cup players。 足坛帅哥们跨越整个地球,准备为我们的居家淑女们进行现场版真人表演。所以,当球场上的进球快要来临时,我们现在为您呈上五位最性感的世界杯球员。 ![]() 英格兰的弗兰克-兰帕德
England's Frank Lampard, 31 Plays for: Chelsea。 Best bits: Frank has chiselled good looks and nice legs, but he’s also a big softie. His goal celebration consists of pointing to the sky, a tribute to his mum Pat, who died in 2008. Frank also has an IQ of 154, which puts him in the ‘Very Superior Intelligence’ bracket. No excuse for him saying, ‘We woz robbed’ and such like, then。 Earnings: Frank’s on 135,000 pounds a week。 Love life: Has two kids with Elen Rives, and is now dating Christine Bleakley。 英格兰的弗兰克·兰帕德,31岁 效力于切尔西队 完美展示:弗兰克有一副刀劈斧雕似的俊朗外表和美妙的双腿,同时他并不是一个软弱的人。他的进球庆祝动作由指向天空组成,这是为了向在2008年逝世的母亲表示致敬。弗兰克还有高达154的IQ,让他可以跻身“非常高智商”的人群。因此没有借口为他说,“我们被抢了”和其他类似的话。 收入:周薪135000英镑 爱情生活:和Elen Rives曾有两个孩子,现在正和Christine Bleakley约会。 ![]() 葡萄牙的克里斯蒂亚诺-罗纳尔多
Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo, 25 Plays for: Real Madrid。 Best bits: Firm, tanned torso when he strips off his shirt (every five minutes), that cheeky wink (OK, it got him into trouble/hate mail, but we still like it)。 Earnings: Second only to David Beckham when it comes to cash, pulling in more than 20 million pounds a year in wages and endorsements, like that Armani ad. You know, the one that makes us feel funny。 Love life: He’s hot single property, being linked to Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton。 葡萄牙的克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多,25岁 效力于皇家马德里 最好的:当他脱下球衣(每隔五分钟-译者注:形容他进球如麻)时结实、晒成棕色的身体,以及无礼的眼神(好吧,这会让他惹上麻烦,收到表示憎恶的邮件,但是我们还是喜欢他这样)。 收入:说到薪水,他排名第二,仅次于贝克汉姆。每年可以从工资和赞助,例如阿玛尼的广告中获得多于200万英镑的收入。他让我们感到有趣,你懂的。 爱情生活:他是炙手可热的钻石王老五,与金·卡戴珊和帕丽斯·希尔顿暗通曲款。 网友评论
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