Lady Gaga蒙面形象出镜 雷不死人誓不休(图)![]() Lady Gaga雷不死人誓不休
It’s Let’s Anger The Catholic Church Week in Lady Gaga Land! First she premieres her “Alejandro” video where she plays a slutty nun swallowing rosaries whole, and here she is attending her younger sister’s graduation from Convent of the Sacred Heart wearing a see-through lace jumpsuit and a goth beekeeper’s hat. If we’re being subjective, though, this is hardly the most shocking thing Gaga could wear。 本周在lady gaga的世界里简直就是以“让我们来气死天主教堂”为主题的一周。她先是在Alejandro一歌的MV里扮演一个不堪寂寞的修女,跟着又穿上蕾丝透视装、带一顶哥特式养蜂人的帽子参加了妹妹的毕业典礼。当然如果我们客观点儿说,这的确算不上lady gaga最雷人的造型。 We’re willing to wager that absolutely every last video camera at the event was turned towards Gaga instead of the graduates. It’s easy to think that the pop star overshadowed her sister on her big day, but seriously, graduations are boring. Even if you’re the one graduating, it’s a snooze-fest. This ceremony probably had a nice, excited buzz of “OH MY GOD GUESS WHO’S HERE” that kept everybody awake。 我们敢打赌,当时所有现场的相机都对着Gaga本人,而不是毕业生们。当然人们会想,啊……明星姐姐在她妹妹的大日子里抢了风头!但说实在的,毕业典礼其实无聊死了。即便你就是毕业生本人,那也无聊到想打瞌睡。这场典礼因为看到巨星、相互转告“额滴个神哪!猜谁来了!”,这才让每个人都醒着吧…… 小编说:看着图片第一眼就想到《天龙八部》里那个蒙面女木婉清了……“看到我相貌的人只有两个下场!要么我杀了你、要么你娶我!” 网友评论
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