
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月12日 14:36   沪江英语



  One kind-natured owner has decided to take steps to keep his pet dry and snug – by buying it a set of wellies!

  Clive, a micro pig – a breed that can be as little as 12 inches in height when fully grown – was kitted out in two pairs of bright red wellies, the Daily Mail has reported。

  The pristine piggy was kitted out in the footwear to help him weather the rain which hit much of England yesterday – leaving him as happy as a pig in muck!

  Fashion-forward Clive sported the wellies at the farm where he is being raised, Pennywell Farm in Devon。

  According to the news provider: "They said it was all part of the play process for the little animals."

  Micropigs are a growing trend in the UK and celebrity owners include David and Victoria Beckham and Paris Hilton. They can be housetrained and are both friendly and scrupulously clean。


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