世界杯看点:南非球迷必备的vuvuzela(图)   2010年06月13日 10:44   中国日报网-英语点津

  这两天观看了南非世界杯比赛的人们大概已经开始适应场内如蜂鸣般的那种声音了吧。那些声音就这种叫做vuvuzela的喇叭发出来的。今天,我们就给大家介绍一下这个 vuvuzela的背景。

  A vuvuzela is a brightly-coloured plastic trumpet, usually about a metre long, which is commonly blown by fans at football matches in South Africa. Playing the vuvuzela requires a practiced combination of lip and lung action to produce an extremely loud, monotonous sound, a bit like a foghorn。


  The vuvuzela is said to be based on the Kudu horn, a tribal instrument used to summon villagers to meetings. Originally made of tin, the vuvuzela rose to popularity in South Africa at football matches in the late 1990s. Its fate was sealed in 2001, when South-African-based company Masincedane Sport began to mass-produce a plastic version, thereby making it essential kit for football supporters across the country。

  据说,vuvuzela的原形来自于库杜号角,是土著部落用来召集村民开会的器具。最早的vuvuzela是用锡做的,上世纪90年代后期在南非的足球赛中逐渐流行起来。2001年,南非一家体育用品公司Masincedane Sport开始大规模生产塑料的vuvuzela,由此,vuvuzela便成了南非球迷装备中的必备品。

  The origin of the word vuvuzela is uncertain. Some argue that it originates from the Zulu for 'making a loud noise'. Others maintain it relates to township slang for the word 'shower', because it 'showers people with music'。



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