
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月13日 12:06   中国日报网-英语点津
养狗守则 Dogbo
养狗守则 Dogbo


  Dog behavior order (Dogbo) refers to an official document issued by a British court instructing the owner of a dangerous dog to control the dog's behavior。


  Tragic cases of dangerous dogs seriously injuring young children, sometimes fatally, have been an increasingly frequent feature of news reports in recent years. In an effort to prevent such tragedies and clamp down on gratuitous ownership of vicious dogs, the UK government have recently introduced the Dogbo。


  Dogbo is an official order also referred to as a 'Dog Control Notice' and would allow police and local officials to insist that owners muzzle or leash their dog if it is considered to be particularly dangerous. In extreme cases, a dog could be confiscated and given a new home。


  The Dogbo targets particular breeds of dogs such as the Bull Mastiff and Rottweiler, which in the wrong hands can be trained to be extremely aggressive, but are often used as forms of protection in areas where crime is a problem。



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