
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月14日 11:02   环球时报

  The new British government is to introduce an obligatory English language test for all non-EU immigrants seeking to join their spouses or marry here, it announced Wednesday。

  All migrants from outside the European Union will have to demonstrate "a basic command of English that allows them to cope with everyday life before they are granted a visa," said the Home Office。

  New Prime Minister David Cameron made tightening up immigration rules a key campaign pledge ahead of the May 6 elections, after which his Conservative Party forged a coalition with the centrist Liberal Democrats。

  The new requirement will apply to spouses, civil partnerships, unmarried couples, same sex partners and fiances, and will be compulsory for people applying from within Britain, as well as visa applicants from abroad。

  "I believe being able to speak English should be a pre-requisite for anyone who wants to settle here," said Home Secretary Theresa May, announcing the new measures. And there are likely more measures to come, she said。







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