双语:皮尔斯退出英国达人加盟CNN(图)![]() 皮尔斯退出英国达人加盟CNN
Piers Morgan will quit Britain's Got Talent for the chance to become the first Englishman to host a prime-time U.S. chat show。 皮尔斯-摩根将要退出英国达人,因为他将要作为第一个英国人加盟一个美国谈话节目。 The 45-year-old is within days of striking a ?5.5million deal with network CNN to replace Larry King。 今年45岁的皮尔斯将以550万英镑的高新签约CNN来替代拉里-金。 The broadcasting veteran, 76, has hosted the nightly Larry King Live show for 25 years but, within the last year, ratings have slumped by nearly half。 现今76岁高龄的拉里-金是个经验丰富的主持人,他的节目拉里-金现场秀节目也有25年的历史了。但就在去年,收视率居然下滑了一半。 Mr Morgan, former editor of The Mirror, is a familiar face on the rival NBC network, where he is a judge on the hit show America's Got Talent。 摩根先生是镜报的前任编辑,他也是老对头NBC电视网上的常客了,当时他是直播秀《美国偶像》的评委 。 He has also been a guest host on the channel's breakfast show. NBC wants him to stay and has offered him a show which would be the equivalent of his ITV series, Piers Morgan's Life Stories。 他也是早间新闻秀的客座主持。NBC想留下他并给他提供重量级相当于他的ITV系类节目的新闻秀——皮尔斯-摩根生活故事。 However, it could prove too hard to resist a deal worth close on ?1.4million a year to replace Mr King, 然而,想要拒绝以年薪140万取代金先生实在是有些难度。 A television source said: 'CNN bosses have been desperately searching for somebody to revamp the show. Larry's ratings are massively down year on year - and Piers is just the chap。 来自电视传媒方向的消息称,CNN老板在拼命的寻找可以提高收视率的人。拉里的收视率一年不如一年,而皮尔斯就是要寻找的人。 Piers is utterly thrilled by the prospect of the deal and knows that taking over the Larry King show means that something will have to give。 皮尔斯对这个交易的前景很兴奋,而且也知道接替拉里-金叶意味着要放弃很多东西。 网友评论
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