双语世界杯:足球术语之射门篇射门:shoot; attempt at [try for] goal 射手:shooter; marksman 进球:find the net; hit[drive the ball] home 破门得分:make [score; net] a goal 破门机会:scoring opportunity 射门得分者:goalgetter 助攻射中:assisted goal 连中三元;帽子戏法:hat-trick 扳成平局的进球:equalizer 射中次数:shots on goal 轻易射门得分:sitter 射门命中率:shooting average [percentage] 未射中:mishit 射门过高:high shot; sky 从门柱弹回:deflect[bounce back] from the goalpost 射中无效:goal disallowed 近射:close-range[-up] shot 远射:long shot [drive] 冲门:gate-crashing 突然射门:snap shot 劲射:hard [heavy; crashing; cannon] shot; drive; thump 补射:tip-in 转身射门:pivot shot 贴地射门;低射:grazing shot 一次射门:first-time[one-touch]shot 调整后[停球]射门:second-touch shot 小角度射门:sharp-angled shot 狭缝射门(指穿过防守线):slot 倒地射门:sliding shot 凌空射门:volley shot 倒钩射门:scissors shot 头球入门:head [nod] in a goal 高吊球射门:lob [hanging] shot 射空门:free shot 香蕉球:banana shot 乌龙球(踢进本方球门):own [self] goal 射门的强烈愿望:goal hunger 庆祝进球:goal celebration 球门网右上角:top right-hand corner of the net 球门网右下角:bottom right-hand corner of the net 球门网左上角:top left-hand corner of the net 球门网左下角:bottom left-hand corner of the net 网友评论
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