
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月22日 16:44   环球时报

  According to Daily Telegraph on June 20, US government statistics show that women in 35 per cent of professional dual-income homes are now making more than their husbands. That proportion was only 28 per cent five years ago. American women professionals will overtake their male peers in average earnings by 2024 if current trends continue。

  It is interesting that younger men were less bothered than previous generations about the idea of their wives out-earning them. They were also more interested in spending time with their family and less obsessed with work。

  Ms Dychtwald, a Californian demographer, said she was not predicting the "feminization" of men. "It's a full-blown paradigm shift, one that gives both men and women more options when it comes to pursuing their careers, providing for their families and expressing their own talents and strengths."





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