On June 19, in Kiev, Ukraine, about thirty-nine teams took part in the Red Bull Flugtag 2010 with their self-made flying machines. During the event, competitors rush off a springboard mounted six meters above the water, then to the river。 The teams are judged in three categories; distance, creativity, and showmanship。 6月19日,乌克兰基辅,约有39支队伍参加2010年“红牛飞行日” 大赛。 在“红牛飞行日”大赛中,参赛者驾驶自行设计的“飞行器”从河流上方六米高的起飞台出发, 跌落在河面上。 比赛评判员从3个方面为每个参赛队评分:飞行距离、创意、及参赛者演技。 网友评论
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