外媒报道:依赖冷气正让香港变得更热According to AFP on June 22, scientists say that as Hong Kong steams into summer, millions of air conditioners kick in to cool the sweltering city, ensuring that the future will be even hotter。 "I don't think I can live without air cons," 45-year-old accountant Angus Lee said, "I don't think I can function properly in Hong Kong's heat - I need to be cool in order to think." However, having air conditioner comes at a heavy environmental price. Scientists said that Hong Kong will have almost no winter by the end of the century as the electricity guzzlers like air conditioner help heat up the city. "Local temperatures are rising at a speed of 0.6 degrees each decade, more than three times the global average. The excessive use of any electricity-powered machines like air conditioners will accelerate global warming, raising temperatures." said Lee Boon-ying, director of the Hong Kong Observatory。 Scientists link climate change to the greenhouse effect. Air conditioners account for about 60 percent of Hong Kong's electricity usage in the hot, humid, sub-tropical summers. Environmentalists are becoming enraged as the city is notorious for its over-chilled interiors, from arctic shopping malls to icy bank towers, with many street-side shops leaving their doors open and letting the cool air out. Popular travel guide Lonely Planet warns travelers of the big chill, saying, "Temperatures are set so low you may find your extremities turning blue." The government recommends buildings set all indoor temperatures to 77.9 degrees Fahrenheit (25.5 C), but there is no legislation to force compliance. AFP measurements inside some of Hong Kong's major shopping malls showed indoor temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21.5 C). The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said it would investigate any complaints and press the venues to use air-conditioning efficiently。 Hong Kong is not the only place growing a dependence on cooler air. The Asia-Pacific region accounted for about half of global demand in 2008, and is the fastest growing market worldwide as income levels rise。 The EPD said a large percentage of Hong Kong's air conditioners also use hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), but less-harmful refrigerants are available. The EPD hopes to reduce consumption of HCFCs, which experts say deplete the ozone layer and contribute to climate change。 据法新社6月22日报道,随着香港进入闷热的夏季,数百万的空调开始发动起来。科学家警告称,这样只会让未来的香港变得更热。 45岁的会计安格斯•李说:“要是没有空调我非得死了不成。没有空调,在香港这样的大热天里根本就不能正常工作生活,只有保持凉爽,我才能思考。” 但是空调制冷会带来沉重的环境代价。科学家预计,像空调等电器的过度使用,最终将导致城市变热,到本世纪末香港将不再有冬天。香港天文馆主任李伯英(音)称:“香港温度每10年升高0.6摄氏度,这相当于全球平均升温速度的3倍多。过度使用空调等电器将加速全球变暖进程,导致温度升高。” 科学家将气候变化归因于温室效应。在炎热潮湿的夏季,空调耗电量占全港耗电的六成。香港以室内温度过低“臭名昭著”:大商场里冷得像北极,银行像冰窖,许多街边小店开着空调还开着门 ,白白让冷气跑掉,这让环保主义者愤怒不已。旅游指南Lonely Planet警告旅行者称:“这里的空调温度非常低,你会发现四肢都要冻青了。” 政府建议将室内温度设为25.5摄氏度,但并未就此采取强制性的立法。法新社在香港各大商场中的测量显示,室内温度约为21.5摄氏度。环境保护署表示,该署将进行调查,并将要求有关场所有效使用空调系统。 不只是香港对空调制冷越来越依赖,整个亚太地区占到2008年全球空调市场需求的一半,随着收入水平提高,亚太也是全球空调市场发展最快的地区。 香港环境保护署指出,大部分香港空调还在使用氢氯氟烃,而不是使用对环境危害更低的制冷剂。专家指出,氢氯氟烃会消耗臭氧层,并导致气候变化。环境保护署希望减少氢氯氟烃的使用量。 网友评论
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