
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月25日 17:07   国际在线

  Iron beforehand. Iron your clothes to ensure they are wrinkle-free before putting them in your suitcase。


  Button up your shirts. Don’t forget to button or zip up all tops, vests, etc。


  Pick the right suitcase. Your choice of luggage is very important. If you have plenty of clothes, try carrying two suitcases to avoid cramming all your clothes into one. Conversely, don’t use a suitcase that is too large for its contents, as this can cause clothing to move every which way during travel and become wrinkled.Your suitcases should be compact, without being too compressed。


  Distribute the weight. Place articles less prone to wrinkles and heavier items (shoes, containers,etc。) at the bottom of the suitcase, so as to not press down on more fragile clothing。


  Use plastic bags. Plastic bags are essential for wrapping containers and products that can spill and stain your clothes. Place these bags of products in various pockets of your suitcase, and not on top of your clothes。


  Layer clothing with plastic or tissue paper. Save any clear, plastic bags from the dry cleaners or use tissue paper to layer articles of clothing. The plasticand tissue paper glides over fabrics and reduces friction, thus minimizing wrinkles。


  Roll certain items. Rolling is a great option for pants (to avoid wrinkles at the knees) and t-shirts。

  一些衣服可以卷起来。裤子(可防止膝部起皱)和T 恤最好卷起来。

  Fill empty spaces. Use your socks and underwear to fill up any gaps or empty spaces there may be. This will ensure that nothing moves in your suitcase during transport。


  Hang clothes upon arrival. When you arrive at your destination, immediately hang up your clothes, ideally in the bathroom. Let a bath or shower run with hot water: the steam will make the wrinkles disappear… if there were even any in the first place!




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