时代新语:“手机幻听”用英语怎么说你有没有经历过这样一种状况?明明没有人打你电话,却总是感觉听到手机铃声响。这种就被称作“手机幻听”:ringxiety。 The term is formed from the words "ringtone" and "anxiety." Ringxiety refers to the sensation and mistaken belief of some people who hear their mobile phones ringing or feel them vibrating, when actually the telephone is silent. The reason for this could be psychological or neurological, especially for those office workers who rely highly, perhaps obsessively, on the communication tool in both work and life。 这个词是由ringtone和anxiety组合而成。“手机幻听”指一些人总是在幻觉中听到手机铃声或感到振动,其实并没有电话打进来。这种症状的原因可能是心理的或神经的,尤其是那些极度依赖通讯工具的白领,更容易感染这种症状。 当我们的生活受控于电子通讯工具,无形中我们就失去了一种自由。不如选个时间,过一天tech-free day,关掉手机,重温从前那种不被手机枷锁束缚的日子吧。
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