双语盘点:调皮孩子不交作业的理由(图)![]() 我家的狗狗把电脑当厕所,结果把电脑弄炸了
若干年前,学生迟交作业就会寻找诸如“作业被狗给吃了”、“卡进洗衣机里了”等借口,而现在,教师注意到学生们越来越喜欢用技术故障作为迟交作业的理由,这源于在互联网发达的今天,学生越来越多地通过电脑完成作业。 The top five most popular tech-related reasons for not doing homework 五个不做作业最流行的科技借口 My computer crashed and I lost it。 电脑死机了,我做的作业(因没有保存)丢失了。 I finished my homework but then I deletedit by accident。 虽然我已经完成了作业,但后来不小心把它删除了。 I could not print it out。 打印机坏了,作业打不出来。 My internet was down so I could not do any research。 网断了,我没法上网查资料。 I lost my laptop。 我找不到笔记本电脑了。 Worst tech-related excuses 史上最强科技借口 My dad's computer was hackedby the Russians and they stole my homework。 我爸爸的电脑被俄罗斯黑客入侵,他们偷走了我的作业。 A burglarstole my printed-out homework along with the computer。 有个贼把我打印好的作业连同电脑一齐偷走了。 The PC explodedwhen our dog went to the toilet on it。 我家的狗狗把电脑当厕所,结果把电脑弄炸了。 I accidentally tippeda bottle of ciderover the computer and it broke。 我不小心把一杯苹果汁洒在电脑上,电脑就坏了。 Worst non-tech excuses 史上最强非科技借口 My mum put my homework in the washing machine, and then burnt it as she tried to iron it dry。 我妈妈把我的作业放进了洗衣机,而后她想把作业熨干,但却把它烧毁了。 The wind blew my homework into a pond, and then a swan ate it。 一阵风把我的作业吹到池塘里,而后它被天鹅吃掉了。 My brother drove off with my homework in his lorry, and then he lost it in France。 我哥哥开着货车连带着我的作业一齐走了,而后就把作业落在了法国。 网友评论
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