双语世界杯:球迷必备的热辣行头(组图)When the World Cup kicked off last weekend, it began both a parade of nations and of athletic clothing。 It is not always easy to dress to watch a sporting event while still preserving a sense of flair。 Although it would be impossible to create outfits for all the teams, here are some outfit ideas to support the team without sacrificing style。 四年一度的世界杯来了! 既是球迷又是时尚达人的你该如何度过一个个火热激情的不眠之夜呢? 快来看看小编为你挑选的世界杯期间必备扮靓单品吧,保准你成为最瞩目的球迷! “Love football” set 粉丝套装 粉丝套装
Soccer club T-shirt 足球T恤 足球T恤
Feminine accessories 女性饰品 女性饰品
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