日本东京万人同时祝酒挑战吉尼斯(图)![]() 据官方确认,共有27,126人参加了此次挑战
Fans make a simultaneous toast, raising their cups, in the Guinness World Record attempt for the largest toast during the fifth inning of the baseball game on June 26, 2010 in Tokyo, Japan. The new record, officially confirmed by the adjudicator, was recorded at 27,126 people to break the previous record which was 26,564 people at an event in Portugal in 2009. 2010年6月26日,在日本东京,上万名观众在一场棒球比赛间隙同时举杯祝酒,打破了最多人同时祝酒的吉尼斯世界纪录。据官方确认,共有27,126人参加了此次挑战。此前的纪录是2009年由26,564人在葡萄牙创造的。 网友评论
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